Tech Titans Names IndoTraq Awards Finalist

Contact: David Sym-Smith 857.445.6685 TECH TITANS CONTACT: Amy Alexander 972.792.2862 TECH TITANS NAMES IndoTraq™ AWARDS FINALIST DALLAS (July 8, 2016) – Tech Titans, the largest technology trade organization in Texas, has named IndoTraq™ a finalist in the Technology Inventors category as part of the 16th Annual Tech Titans Awards. The Tech Titans awards[…]

Tech Titans

IndoTraq recently presented our technology to Tech Titans, “the largest technology trade association in Texas, representing a quarter million employees through its 300 member companies.” This was during the Next Big Thing segment of their Innovation Team meeting on February 25, 2016, in Richardson, Texas. The Titans enjoyed the demo, and check out the vintage WANG[…]


VRLA Panel Video

IndoTraq™ founder and CTO Michael Hamilton spoke on the Pushing the Boundaries of Mobile VR panel at the VRLA Winter Expo on January 23rd. Here is the full video of the panel discussion. Be sure to listen closely to the segment from 33:45 to 34:55, in which an audience member pays us a nice compliment (and[…]


IndoTraq Write-Up at VRFocus

VRFocus experienced our demo at CES 2016. Head-mounted displays (HMDs) like the HTC Vive and Sony Computer Entertainments (SCE) PlayStation VR for PlayStation 4 have motion-tracking as standard (via different methods) to give a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) experience. While mobile headsets like Google Cardboard or Gear VR don’t have this, they merely have head-tracking[…]


Visit Us at VRLA

IndoTraq founder and CTO Michael Hamilton will be a panelist at VRLA. Pushing the Boundaries of Mobile VR What’s next for Mobile VR? Hear from panelists at companies that specialize in positional tracking, 360˚ video, VR gaming and interactive content creation. Panelists will address key areas such as where the VR industry is going, what challenges they[…]